If you’re just learning how to crochet, it's obvious you'd want to know about sizes and types of crochet hooks. Until you've worked with crochet hooks for a while, you won’t know which you prefer better, that is why you should experiment and buy at least a couple of them. Also, below you can find Crochet Hook Conversion Chart to help you out when you don't know which yarn to use with which hook size. A crochet hook has a slender handle with a hook at one (or sometimes both) ends. It is used to pull thread or yarn through loops to create crochet stitches. Materials, sizes and handles can be very different. Each kind has its own benefits and disadvantages; it all depends on the comfort, price and the ease of use. A crochet hook can also be used to pick up dropped knitting stitches, thread beads onto string or create hairpin lace. The crochet needles vary from small to larger sizes; each needle works with different weights of yarn. And just like with a knitting ...
Ukrainian crochet studio. Crochet and knitting learning center.